Trevor Bragg·Websites·20 June 2018

WordPress realities for real estate websites

WordPress is easy free and you can do it all yourself So they say What is easy however - is for real estate agents to get caught up in the hype that a WordPress website is the solution to all their problems Many agents feel as though they are drowning when it comes to their WordPress website nbsp Don't get me wrong WordPress is...

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Trevor Bragg·Eagle·12 April 2018

Finding the right balance for real estate CRM automation

When I mention real estate CRM automation many of our agents eyes light up nbsp It s true that CRM automation can solve a lot of workflow problems in your business but it needs to be carefully considered and deployed for maximum efficacy nbsp Why is real estate CRM automation a requirement for modern agencies Namely because of a lack of time and human...

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Trevor Bragg·Database·14 March 2018

Vendor Reporting - show them what really goes on

As I talk to real estate agents across the state many are concerned about the rise of the DIY Flat Fee selling models These models are increasing by the day and the common thought is that people are attracted to these models only because of the savings on commission For some this may be true - but for many I believe prospective vendors truly...

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Ahlen Kikuchi·Marketing·09 February 2018

Why having social media presence is critical for your real estate business.

Social media has become an integral part of our lives Not a day goes by without posting selfies food porn or Facebook stories People are active on social media compared to any other websites They check out news sports updates clothing reviews games and search on social media As Gary Vaynerchuck says Social Media is the new Google In Australia alone of the whole...

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Marcus Wong·Marketing·10 November 2017

How to Create a Facebook Business Page for Real Estate Agencies

ATTENTION If you own a real agency you NEED a Facebook page for your business RIGHT NOW If the fact that million Australians or of the adult population and your audience has a Facebook account isn t enough for you here are quickfire reasons It makes your business look tech savvy You drive new users to your website You build yourself up as a...

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Marcus Wong·Marketing·03 October 2017

How to Send Better Email Campaigns

As a real estate agent email campaigns are the most important tool in your marketing arsenal nbsp Email campaigns Makes you an expert in your area Help you generate extra leads Start a conversation that encourages enquiries Lets prospects know that you re active and out going in marketing Here s the ultimate guide to crafting the perfect email campaign so you can earn...

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Marcus Wong·Eagle·19 September 2017

How to Get More Facebook Likes and Follows for Real Estate Agents

Your business is too important to NOT have an active and exciting social media account nbsp Social media is A powerful tool with reach to thousands of people Where potential clients go to research your company How you can engage and build relationships with existing clients nbsp From my experience the biggest mistake social media accounts make is not having a social media strategy...

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Marcus Wong·Websites·19 September 2017

How to Read a Google Analytics Report Like an Expert!

Do you want to track your website s growth but are unsure of what the numbers mean All users with an Eagle website have their stats recorded by Google Analytics and receive a monthly report Read this guide to become an Google Analytics data expert in less than minutes Report Overview Google Analytics bombards you with information so let s just focus on two...

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Luke Paverd·Websites·01 August 2017

5 Reasons Why You NEED a Good Real Estate Website + 20 Tips

In our digital-first world not investing time and money in your real estate website is one of the biggest mistakes you can make To illustrate this we ve gathered five of the most compelling reasons to put budget and resources behind what will become your lead-generating digital hub nbsp A real estate website is a prospect s first impression The saying you never get...

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Luke Paverd·Database·20 July 2017

4 Steps to Keep a Clean Database

Do you have a well organized clean nbsp database nbsp A great database should Give you access to the right information whenever you need it Take up minimal time to maintain Add value by organizing that information in useful ways Today I ll be outlining a step process on how to keep a clean database to save you time and speed up your processes...

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