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Trevor Bragg·Eagle·12 April 2018

Finding the right balance for real estate CRM automation

When I mention real estate CRM automation many of our agents eyes light up nbsp It s true that CRM automation can solve a lot of workflow problems in your business but it needs to be carefully considered and deployed for maximum efficacy nbsp Why is real estate CRM automation a requirement for modern agencies Namely because of a lack of time and human...

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Trevor Bragg·Database·14 March 2018

Vendor Reporting - show them what really goes on

As I talk to real estate agents across the state many are concerned about the rise of the DIY Flat Fee selling models These models are increasing by the day and the common thought is that people are attracted to these models only because of the savings on commission For some this may be true - but for many I believe prospective vendors truly...

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Luke Paverd·Database·20 July 2017

4 Steps to Keep a Clean Database

Do you have a well organized clean nbsp database nbsp A great database should Give you access to the right information whenever you need it Take up minimal time to maintain Add value by organizing that information in useful ways Today I ll be outlining a step process on how to keep a clean database to save you time and speed up your processes...

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