James Lawrence·Tech Stack·25 August 2023

Streamlining Your Real Estate Tech Stack: Enhancing Efficiency and Cost Savings

The real estate industry has undergone a remarkable transformation propelled by rapid technological advancements As digitisation becomes a defining force in every facet of our lives real estate professionals find themselves navigating an increasingly complex landscape Among the challenges they face managing multiple disjointed tech tools emerges as a significant hurdle nbsp nbsp In response to this the concept of amalgamating various tools into...

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James Lawrence·Marketing·14 August 2023

Strengthen Your Online Presence With Customer Testimonials

In real estate arguably the most important part of your marketing is your brand Your brand is built around trust and reputation and one of the most effective ways to develop both of those factors is through customer testimonials nbsp The impact that testimonials have on a vendor is significant If you think about all the referrals that you ve ever received in effect...

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James Lawrence·Agent Success·14 August 2023

3 Things Clients Wish Real Estate Agents Knew

In the competitive and fast-paced world of real estate it can be easy to focus on your numbers and forget the reason for being there - to help your clients While many agents do a great job of ensuring their clients receive the best service possible there are still some key areas where some fall short nbsp nbsp Here are three things clients wish...

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Rebecca Gillis·CRM·12 July 2023

Eagle Software Delivers a Customer Satisfaction Score of 100

At Eagle Software we pride ourselves on the client experience ensuring that you are being heard and supported at every level With a seamless client experience at the forefront of everything we do satisfying customers is the driving force that powers Eagle Software end-to-end nbsp nbsp Our focus on delivering value to customers over a number of years has resulted in Eagle Software achieving...

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The Link Between High Commissions and Finding Your Niche

While it might be tough to knock back a listing turning down a potential sale might just be the best thing for your career if the property doesn't fall within your area of expertise While an 'anytime anywhere' approach can still work more often than not the agents who earn the highest commissions are very focussed on a certain niche That might be something...

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5 Steps to a Successful Negotiation

Negotiation skills are one of many things it takes to become a successful real estate agent nbsp In fact most real estate agents would consider themselves to be expert negotiators Much of the value they provide is helping vendors get the best possible price they can for a property and invariably that will include a lot of negotiation along the way While many people...

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How to Effectively Audit Your Operations Processes

Over the past few years real estate agencies have increasingly been relying on technology for their operational efficiency More and more technology is playing an ever-growing role in all parts of an agency and it's crucial to ensure that those individual parts are working together effectively to help you reach your fullest potential nbsp Therefore it's essential for businesses to regularly review their operations...

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The Top 3 Mistakes New Real Estate Agents Are Making

A career in real estate can be incredibly exciting and rewarding but it's also no secret that the first few years can be challenging There is a lot to learn when you're getting started and you also have no contacts and no experience On top of that there are a number of common mistakes that new agents are making that are continuing to hold...

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James Lawrence·CRM·13 March 2023

5 Ways Real Estate Agents Can Benefit From Automation

Real estate agents today are facing more challenges than ever before With rising interest rates a downturn in the market and the ever-increasing expectations of clients it can be difficult for agents to keep up with everything that needs to be done This is where automation in a real estate CRM comes in and can help differentiate you from the competition A CRM Customer...

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Rebecca Gillis·Marketing·06 March 2023

A Guide on Getting Your Team Across Tech Stack Changes

As a real estate agent keeping up with the latest technology is crucial to success and will help separate you from the competition helping you to reach your fullest potential However implementing new tech stack changes can be challenging as your team may not be all that excited about learning a new system It can also be time-consuming and difficult Without the proper approach...

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