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James Lawrence·Marketing·14 August 2023

Strengthen Your Online Presence With Customer Testimonials

In real estate arguably the most important part of your marketing is your brand Your brand is built around trust and reputation and one of the most effective ways to develop both of those factors is through customer testimonials nbsp The impact that testimonials have on a vendor is significant If you think about all the referrals that you ve ever received in effect...

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The Link Between High Commissions and Finding Your Niche

While it might be tough to knock back a listing turning down a potential sale might just be the best thing for your career if the property doesn't fall within your area of expertise While an 'anytime anywhere' approach can still work more often than not the agents who earn the highest commissions are very focussed on a certain niche That might be something...

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Rebecca Gillis·Marketing·06 March 2023

A Guide on Getting Your Team Across Tech Stack Changes

As a real estate agent keeping up with the latest technology is crucial to success and will help separate you from the competition helping you to reach your fullest potential However implementing new tech stack changes can be challenging as your team may not be all that excited about learning a new system It can also be time-consuming and difficult Without the proper approach...

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Rebecca Gillis·Eagle·03 February 2023

3 Strategies to Increase Your Social Media Presence

Having a strong social media presence is a very powerful tool both for an agent's personal brand and also as a resource for marketing your current listings While most agents would understand the value that a strong social media presence can bring boosting your profile takes time and effort Fortunately there are some things that you can do that will help increase your presence...

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Rebecca Gillis·Marketing·15 December 2022

4 Things Every Agent Should Be Doing in the Lead-Up to Christmas

With Christmas just around the corner most agents will be working frantically to finalise the last of their marketing campaigns and doing their best to close as many sales as they can prior to the holiday period kicking off While the lead-up to Christmas can be incredibly busy for most agents it s also an important time to keep in touch with your clients...

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Rebecca Gillis·Marketing·14 November 2022

3 Reasons to Update Your Real Estate Website Today

Real estate has quickly become almost entirely online Gone are the days where people look at listings in a newspaper Many buyers don't even need to view a property in person to make an offer and many vendors don't need to meet an agent in person to list their property With the way that the industry has evolved it is more important than ever...

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Rebecca Gillis·Prospecting·09 November 2022

Why Your Client Relationships are So Important

Anyone who is involved in real estate will understand that while you re selling property you re effectively in the people business The relationships you have with other people and in particular your clients will have a huge say in your overall level of success Here are just a few reasons nbsp why your client relationships are so important nbsp Client Focused A succesful...

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Rebecca Gillis·Prospecting·18 October 2022

How Community Involvement Can Help Bolster Your Prospective Leads

A good real estate agent is a lot more than just a salesman They are normally well-established members of their local communities and add value to their area through various forms of community engagement It s not uncommon for real estate agents to be a big part of local schools sporting organisations as well as sponsoring various local events While it s rewarding to...

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Rebecca Gillis·Marketing·20 September 2022

Why Rejecting New Technology Will be the Downfall of Your Business

The role of technology in real estate has exploded over the past decade with advancements in nearly all areas of the industry helping agencies drive their business forward Technology helps make your business more efficient it cuts down on wasted time and can do the role of multiple staff members at only a fraction of the cost It also allows you to reach more...

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Rebecca Gillis·Database·09 September 2022

Taking it Mobile: Why Having a Quality App for Your Real Estate CRM is So Important

For most real estate agents your CRM is the focal point of all of your sales and growth efforts It s the one point where you continually turn to grow relationships with prospects and your client base and as a result it needs to be accessible hours a day regardless of where you might be Having an app is just one of many essential...

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