Luke Paverd

Luke Paverd

·16 posts

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Luke Paverd·Eagle·03 September 2018

Announcing Eagle CRM Mobile App

Today we're happy to announce the release of our Eagle CRM mobile app, available for download on both the iOS App Store and Android Play...

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Luke Paverd·Eagle·06 July 2018

Product Updates July

1. Enrich your property data with our new integration with CoreLogic ​ Link your RP Data account with Eagle and enrich your property database. Get extra data on your properties and appraisals as well as deep links to your CMA's and in depth reports. If you don't have a CoreLogic RP Data account, you...

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Luke Paverd·Eagle·02 July 2018

Feature release: PropertyMe Integration

We're happy to announce the release of our integration with the popular and growing property management software PropertyMe. Have you ever wanted to make an announcement to your tenants or landlords but couldn't easily get your data across? With the release of our PropertyMe integration, you can import all your tenant and landlord data with a single...

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Luke Paverd·Websites·01 August 2017

5 Reasons Why You NEED a Good Real Estate Website + 20 Tips

In our digital-first world, not investing time and money in your real estate website is one of the biggest mistakes you can make. To illustrate this, we’ve gathered five of the most compelling reasons to put budget and resources behind what will become your lead-generating digital hub.   1. A real estate website is a prospect’s first impression The saying “you never get a second chance to make a...

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Luke Paverd·Database·20 July 2017

4 Steps to Keep a Clean Database

Do you have a well organized, clean database?  A great database should: Give you access to the right information whenever you need it. Take up minimal time to maintain. Add value by organizing that information in useful ways. Today, I’ll be outlining a 4 step process on how to keep a clean database to save you time and speed up your...

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Luke Paverd·SEO·11 May 2017

The number 1 thing real estate agents can do to increase search rankings in Google

Today I wanted to write about a question we get very often. How do we make our website rank higher in Google? The answer is, very simply, get links from other websites to your website. For example: Get a link to your website from your local council Get a link to your website from any local clubs you are involved in Get a link to your website from suppliers or...

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