Luke Paverd

Luke Paverd

·16 posts

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Luke Paverd·CRM·19 February 2021

Selling Space On Mars: Why Real Estate CRM is Future-Proof

The COVID-19 pandemic was a wake-up call — businesses that have survived will need to find ways to maintain their advantage. And according to the World Economic Forum in their 2020 Global Risks Report, things are likely to become increasingly unstable on multiple fronts — environmentally, politically and...

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Luke Paverd·CRM·05 February 2021

How Agents Can Benefit From Real Estate CRM Automation

We’ve well-and-truly entered the age of digital transformation and automation. No matter the industry, organisations can no longer rely on legacy processes to do the job.   It’s no different in the real estate industry. Agencies cannot afford to have go-getting agents bogged down by pointless manual tasks when there are faster, simpler ways of moving property and getting ahead of competitors — such as...

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Luke Paverd·CRM·18 January 2021

Four Ways Real Estate CRM Software Optimises Lead Generation

2020 will go down as the year that digital transformation went from being a choice to a business necessity — and we’re lucky the tools were in place to accommodate this rapid shift.   Thanks to real estate CRM technology, mobile apps and automation, agents now carry their offices in the palms of their hands. With these tools, they’re able to chase, nurture and close leads from anywhere, without being...

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Luke Paverd·Eagle·31 March 2020

How to use Eagle and adjust to operating under lockdown and social distancing

We wanted to reach out and wish you health and safety during this difficult time. With social distancing in place, there are massive effects on the way real estate will be done in the next period of time. In this email I want to cover some of...

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Luke Paverd·Marketing·17 March 2020

Digital transformation 101: Disruptive trends set to modernise real estate in 2020

Digital transformation has brought sweeping changes in just about every industry. From travel to education, technology is simplifying the way we do business with faster, more efficient solutions. Until now, the real estate industry has been slow to adopt the digitisation of traditional methods. But this is no longer the case, and many property experts are grasping the opportunity that new technology like CRM affords. In this piece,...

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Luke Paverd·Eagle·11 October 2019

October Product Update

Spring is in the air! It's been a beautiful start to ours here at Eagle HQ in Melbourne, and we've had much needed thawing out from the winter. During the quarter we had our 5 year anniversary, so thanks to all of you for helping us get...

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Luke Paverd·Eagle·10 July 2019

July 2019 Product Update

We've had a busy quarter here at Eagle with 399 updates to the product, and over 800 improvements added in. We have been working across the board on the product including expanding the available functionality in automations and templates, adding features to our mobile app, our new Leasing module, integrations, and...

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Luke Paverd·Eagle·08 April 2019

Introducing Eagle Leasing

Much like many other feature releases or new products produced by the team here at Eagle Software, the Leasing Module is an answer to requests from our amazing clients. We have been asked by many agencies using our software to expand on the existing tools available for rental teams so that we could help them with...

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Luke Paverd·Eagle·18 February 2019

Utility connections made easy with new Movinghub integration

Today we're excited to announce a new utility connections integration with Movinghub. Utility connections is a great way to grow revenue and help your clients with their move at the same time. With the new Movinghub integration, you can now refer leads to Movinghub for connections as part of your normal workflow. Movinghub is designed to make moving a breeze offering a vast range of service providers and adding value...

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Luke Paverd·Eagle·30 November 2018

What's new in Eagle? November Product Update

Summer is upon us! Silly season is firing up and another year has almost gone. That year sure did go fast! Here at Eagle, since 1st of July, we've made 589 updates to the product, which works out to over 5 per day! Our product team has been...

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