QR Code Checkin For Inspection Visitors

QR Code Checkin For Property Inspection Visitors

For all our CRM clients we have introduced a QR code inspection check-in function which allows inspection attendees to scan a QR code and check themselves in to an inspection on their own device. All data entered during the check-in process goes into your database, at no additional cost.

This is particularly useful for:

  • Maintaining COVID-19 social distancing rules
  • Managing check-ins for large numbers of inspection attendees
  • Freeing up time to speak with potential buyers

Using the QR code inspection check-in is easy, you can either print them or display them within the Eagle mobile app.

  1. Go to the CRM > Inspections page, or, go to the Inspections tab within a listing
  2. Click the 'Print QR Code' button next to the inspection you are running to generate a printable PDF (each inspection has it's own unique QR code)
  3. Print the QR code check in page and display at the entrance of the property

To display them directly in the app:

  1. Go to Inspections
  2. Tap into an inspection
  3. Tap the ‘QR Code’ tab to view the unique QR code for that inspection

Real Estate QR Code PrintedReal Estate QR Code On Mobile

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