WordPress is easy, free and you can do it all yourself!
So they say!
What is easy however - is for real estate agents to get caught up in the hype that a WordPress website is the solution to all their problems. Many agents feel as though they are drowning when it comes to their WordPress website.
Don't get me wrong, WordPress is great for many website applications and for people who understand the platform, BUT the question is - is it a good fit for a real estate business which has so many unique moving parts?
For agents who are considering using WordPress for their new website they need to be aware of the issues that can arise when using this platform.
Everyday I speak with agents who have had terrible, expensive experiences with their new WordPress websites. Unfortunately for them, the platform is too technical and ultimately becomes too expensive to operate.
If you are considering a WordPress website, below are 3 of the main issues our real estate clients have encountered.
1 - Limited Integration with your Real Estate CRM/Database
Ideally your website needs to have full integration with your real estate CRM.
You need a single, seamless flow of property and contact information between the platforms. In most cases property information is possible BUT what about contacts who request an appraisal or would like to enquire on a property? Where do their details go? Normally you would receive an email that then has to be re-entered into the CRM.
Experience tells us that email enquiry rarely gets entered into the CRM. When your CRM & Website are hosted by the same company, ALL information will flow seamlessly between the two. Added to this, some CRM systems can deliver an automated message acknowledging the enquiry and also deliver the requested information ie; Free Selling Guide.
Also, if you use bulk email campaigns for eNewsletters, Open Homes and Property Alerts these become difficult because your CRM doesn’t know where to direct readers back to the Listings page on your website. This is disjointed and limits your ability to drive traffic back to your website.
2 - WordPress Developers fail to deliver as promised
I can’t tell you the number of times where I hear an agent tell me that their friend / brother / best mate / local and or international web developer has let them down with their website.
It’s easy they say - I can build your website quickly and cheaply.
But after you have given them a couple of hundred of your hard earned, all you have left is a half complete real estate website with many references to
“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.” or “Under Construction”
scattered on your content pages.
Then once live, the reality hits and a week later you need some small changes made. Your trusted friend / family member / developer either go missing or want to start charging for every little change.
The small outlay of your initial setup and monthly hosting fee now turns into thousands of dollars in lost time and productivity.
3 - WordPress is hard if you don’t know what you are doing
Last time I looked, most people who work in real estate offices aren’t technical! That’s why agencies spend thousands of dollars every year on software and services that make the technical easy.
Don't be naive - WordPress can be hard to learn.
Understanding, themes, extensions, plugins, REA XML Feeds and how they all work together is hard for your typical agent. If you employ a web developer who has no experience with real estate websites, you then have to educate them on everything you need in your website. This takes time away from your dollar productive activities.
WordPress and website development is a technical skill. It’s not something that your typical agent would understand.
I feel really sorry for the Office Administrators who are lumbered with looking after the new WordPress Website they have inherited. These poor administrators have to do a crash course in WordPress so they can manually update properties, testimonials, blogs, video and other content. For many it becomes too difficult and the website becomes neglected and rather than being an asset it becomes a drain on your business.
Don't distress, there is an easier solution!
I would encourage real estate principals to explore having your CRM / Database provider build your website and integrate the two platforms. It works out easier and more cost effective over the long run to have the two together. If this is not an option then seek out WordPress experts who specialise in real estate websites.
Remember, when the two platforms (Website & CRM) work together, Lead Capture and Bulk Email campaigns become more effective in retaining visitors and assist in having them return to your website.
Real Estate Software specialists who also provide websites can provide easier Content Management Systems (CMS) for agents who want to quickly and easily update their websites without the need of going to a developer or pay additional fees.
If your WordPress website isn’t working for you or you want all the benefits of having an integrated Website / CRM / eMarketing platform, call us today on 03 9016 0444 or contact us via our website at www.geteagle.com.au
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