Luke Paverd·Eagle·30 November 2018

What's new in Eagle? November Product Update

Summer is upon us! Silly season is firing up and another year has almost gone. That year sure did go fast!

Here at Eagle, since 1st of July, we've made 589 updates to the product, which works out to over 5 per day! Our product team has been growing and we've been busy working on new features. In this product update email, I cover the main features we've launched in the last few months.


One thing we have learned here at Eagle is that every office and every user works differently. That's why, when we were designing our new dashboards, we built them so that you can customise your dashboard to see exactly what you're interested in.

Each dashboard is made up of widgets, and each widget can be filtered to show the data you're interested in, and moved around. Every user has their own dashboard, so changes you make to your dashboard, don't affect others in your office.

  • Targets: Keep track of where you are at with your KPI's
  • Agent Commission Graph: See a graph of settled and projected commission for an agent
  • Office Commission Graph: See a graph of settled and projected commission for the office
  • Agent Commission Table: A list of sales and upcoming settlements for an agent
  • Commission Table: A list of sales and upcoming settlements for the office
  • Campaigns: The recent campaigns you've sent and the opens and clicks
  • Recent Activities: See a stream of who has clicked and opened your emails
  • Activity Summary: Compare your activity levels to previous periods
  • Activity graph: See your activity levels on a graph
  • Notes: A list of what's been happening in your office including emails sent and received, sms sent and received, inspections that have been logged, enquiries that have come in, sales that have been made and more
  • Events: All of your upcoming events
  • Tasks: Your tasks for today, those that are upcoming, overdue and completed
  • Portal Errors: A list of any listings that need attention

We invite you to check it out, go to the Dashboards tab, and click the "Edit" button to start customising your dashboard.

Mobile App Updates

  • When you are viewing a listing, there is a new tab to view a list of the buyers or potential tenants for that listing
  • When entering an attendee at an inspection, the duplicate matching is now case insensitive
  • When entering an attendee at an inspection, the name will be capitalised

Download version 1.2.5 of the Eagle CRM mobile app on Android Play Store or the iOS App Store

Prospecting Updates

We've added a few tools to your "Addresses" screen to give you more information about your area.

  • Tag addresses to categorise and give more meaning to your farming area
  • Bulk email, Bulk mail and Bulk SMS owners or tenants
  • ​New prospecting letter templates

Go to Properties->Addresses to try it out

Tip: Filter contacts by date range

Have you ever wanted to bring up someone's contact details, but can't remember their name? Try filter by date range. You can search your contact database by when a contact was created, or when you have last been in touch with them. To use it, in your contacts screen, go to the filters section, click "Other" and click "Date Created" or "Date Modified"

Updated Advertising Payments Reconciliation

We've updated our Advertising payments table to make it more flexible. You can now filter and sort by more fields to be able to quickly find what you're looking for, and for extra flexibility you can export all your advertising items to CSV or PDF.

New Letters And Automations

We've recently added 28 new letter templates to your account, and we've added more new automations for sales, leasing, marketing and admin bringing the total to 38 in built automations.

Send campaigns and repeating campaigns from contact owners

You can now send your campaigns and automatic repeating campaigns from the contact's owner - so all of your clients get personalised communications from the agent they've been dealing with.

Coming soon

We're continually working hard to bring out more features and more value to EagleCRM and make listing, selling, leasing, marketing and admin easier, faster, more efficient and more fun.

Eagle Rello Integration -  On-Demand Webinar

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