With this release we introduce a new and improved buyers table designed to streamline the process of managing, following up, shortlisting and managing offers from buyers, as well as reporting back to vendors with your activities automatically with our online vendor report.
View enquiries, inspections and offers, as well as their price feedback and if you've sent them a contract. Expand the notes section to see a history of activity and notes for full context when speaking with potential buyers.
Drill down and short list buyers with our advanced filtering system so you can focus on the most qualified buyers.
With your filters set and all the information at your fingertips, easily log new notes, calls or offers all within the same screen.
See how long since you last contacted each buyer and if there are any outstanding tasks on buyers that need your attention.
As you work your list of potential buyers all updates flow through to your online vendor report in real-time.
The new buyer table in Eagle helps you to work and manage buyers more efficiently all while keeping your vendor up to date with your efforts through the online vendor report. Speak to our team today to see how Eagle can help you to turbocharge your buyer management and vendor reporting.
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