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Rebecca Gillis·Agent Success·25 January 2023

5 Tips to Reach Your Fullest Potential in 2023

With the new year now well and truly underway and most agents slowly returning to the office it s now time to start sinking your teeth into your business and trying to improve on the previous year The new year is always a time when people reset and reassess what they want out of the year It s also the time to work on...

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Rebecca Gillis·Marketing·14 November 2022

3 Reasons to Update Your Real Estate Website Today

Real estate has quickly become almost entirely online Gone are the days where people look at listings in a newspaper Many buyers don't even need to view a property in person to make an offer and many vendors don't need to meet an agent in person to list their property With the way that the industry has evolved it is more important than ever...

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Bethany Lewty·Marketing·10 January 2022

Real Estate Websites 101: Does Yours Stack Up?

A well-designed website is an invaluable tool for any real estate agent Whether you're putting your website together or preparing for a redesign there are certain elements to keep in mind as you approach the process If you're wondering if your real estate website is at its best here we'll review some critical components of successful real estate websites Mobile Responsiveness Many people looking...

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Trevor Bragg·Mobile App·12 September 2019

How mobile is your real estate agency?

The way we work in real estate is vastly different today than what it was years ago The traditional real estate office with its retail shop front window display has been revolutionised with every passing year More and more agencies are moving upstairs into Commercial Office space and allowing staff to work remotely from home and in some instances great distances from the main...

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Trevor Bragg·Marketing·21 March 2019

Review & Comparison Websites. What's best for your real estate business and online profile?

With realestate com au releasing it s Agent Reviews many in the real estate industry are questioning where they should be directing their clients to for their testimonials and reviews Adding another provider to the mix has made the process of getting reviews from clients all the more difficult It takes time to get a client to commit to writing a review or testimonial...

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Jordan Reyneke·Websites·18 February 2019

Streamlined Offer Management with new MarketBuy Integration

The team here at Eagle Software are pleased to announce a new integration with MarketBuy that allows for seamless integration of the online offer management system into your Eagle Website MarketBuy is an online platform that helps agents facilitate offers for private property sales This setting enables agents to establish a more transparent amp competitive environment for all buyers as well as reduce the...

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Trevor Bragg·Websites·18 January 2019

4 tips to keep and convert visitors on your real estate website

In the online world the challenge for marketers is how do we retain someone's interest and get them to become subscribers and followers of our service nbsp In the real estate industry it is widely accepted that when promoting properties or your business via email social media and other channels we need to be consciously directing all visitor traffic back to our own websites...

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Trevor Bragg·Websites·26 September 2018

How many qualified buyers or tenants do you have for my property?

Today s savvy real estate agent realises that their website is nbsp a marketing tool that helps inform and educate people who are considering doing business with them Their nbsp website conveys a nbsp message of what can we do to help you in the areas of selling and property management The current trend has been to move away from just displaying your properties...

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Trevor Bragg·Websites·20 June 2018

WordPress realities for real estate websites

WordPress is easy free and you can do it all yourself So they say What is easy however - is for real estate agents to get caught up in the hype that a WordPress website is the solution to all their problems Many agents feel as though they are drowning when it comes to their WordPress website nbsp Don't get me wrong WordPress is...

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Marcus Wong·Websites·19 September 2017

How to Read a Google Analytics Report Like an Expert!

Do you want to track your website s growth but are unsure of what the numbers mean All users with an Eagle website have their stats recorded by Google Analytics and receive a monthly report Read this guide to become an Google Analytics data expert in less than minutes Report Overview Google Analytics bombards you with information so let s just focus on two...

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