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Trevor Bragg·Marketing·21 March 2019

Review & Comparison Websites. What's best for your real estate business and online profile?

With realestate com au releasing it s Agent Reviews many in the real estate industry are questioning where they should be directing their clients to for their testimonials and reviews Adding another provider to the mix has made the process of getting reviews from clients all the more difficult It takes time to get a client to commit to writing a review or testimonial...

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Luke Paverd·SEO·11 May 2017

The number 1 thing real estate agents can do to increase search rankings in Google

Today I wanted to write about a question we get very often How do we make our website rank higher in Google The answer is very simply get links from other websites to your website For example Get a link to your website from your local council Get a link to your website from any local clubs you are involved in Get a link...

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