Mobile App

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Rebecca Gillis·Mobile App·25 November 2022

On-Demand Webinar - Eagle Product Release & Update November 2022

It s been a busy few months for us here at Eagle and we re excited to tell you all about what we ve been up to - and what you can look forward to getting your hands on in the coming months Watch the on-demand product update webinar here nbsp Featured in this update is more information about Our integration with Little Hinges...

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Rebecca Gillis·Database·09 September 2022

Taking it Mobile: Why Having a Quality App for Your Real Estate CRM is So Important

For most real estate agents your CRM is the focal point of all of your sales and growth efforts It s the one point where you continually turn to grow relationships with prospects and your client base and as a result it needs to be accessible hours a day regardless of where you might be Having an app is just one of many essential...

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Rebecca Gillis·Mobile App·09 September 2022

What it Takes to Become a Successful Real Estate Agent

One of the greatest things about working in real estate is that how hard you work goes a long way to determining just how successful you will be When your career is in your own hands it can be incredibly powerful and motivating to know that when you put in the work huge success can follow Great agents who reach the top of their...

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Feature Release - View and manage Contracts in the Eagle CRM mobile app

With this release we introduce Contracts to the Eagle CRM mobile app This makes it much easier to coordinate and communicate with vendors purchasers and solicitors as all their information is linked and easily accessed from the contract record Important contract dates such as when finance is due when the contract becomes unconditional or when the contract is due to settle are displayed prominently...

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Feature Release - Eagle Caller ID

We're excited to launch our new Eagle Caller ID mobile app With Eagle Caller ID incoming calls from Eagle contacts can be identified with ease Create a friendly and professional experience for callers by answering them by name as well as seeing key insights such as properties they own or listings they have shown interest in How it works When you receive a call...

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Trevor Bragg·Marketing·28 September 2020

10 Traits for an Easy To Use Real Estate CRM

With advancements in technology your CRM software should be getting easier to use - not harder So what does easy to use CRM software look like in the real estate industry in Below is a list of traits every modern real estate CRM should include for its users nbsp Nil amp Single Data Entry With portal enquiries now able to be captured by the...

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Trevor Bragg·Mobile App·30 July 2020

Moving towards Online Owner Reports

Everyone has different needs and wants Some vendors and landlords demand instant updates on the marketing enquiries and inspections on their property Some are happy to wait for a weekly catch up Some agents like to include a whole lot of feedback and visuals into their Owner Reports Some keep it brief and to the point with a summary and some important numbers So...

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Luke Paverd·Marketing·17 March 2020

Digital transformation 101: Disruptive trends set to modernise real estate in 2020

Digital transformation has brought sweeping changes in just about every industry From travel to education technology is simplifying the way we do business with faster more efficient solutions Until now the real estate industry has been slow to adopt the digitisation of traditional methods But this is no longer the case and many property experts are grasping the opportunity that new technology like CRM...

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Trevor Bragg·Mobile App·12 September 2019

How mobile is your real estate agency?

The way we work in real estate is vastly different today than what it was years ago The traditional real estate office with its retail shop front window display has been revolutionised with every passing year More and more agencies are moving upstairs into Commercial Office space and allowing staff to work remotely from home and in some instances great distances from the main...

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