James Lawrence·Agent Success·14 August 2023

3 Things Clients Wish Real Estate Agents Knew

In the competitive and fast-paced world of real estate, it can be easy to focus on your numbers and forget the reason for being there - to help your clients. While many agents do a great job of ensuring their clients receive the best service possible, there are still some key areas where some fall short.  

Here are three things clients wish real estate agents knew: 

1. Emotions 

For most people, buying or selling real estate is a relatively rare occurrence. Most people will transact a property once every seven years when they decide to upgrade their family home. For that reason, the process can be both intimidating and also very emotional because they are dealing with something that has played a big part in their family life. 

Agents should understand that the emotions involved in a property transaction can be just as important as the financial considerations. Especially for homebuyers but equally for vendors. 

This is especially true if a vendor is going through a major life change like divorce, retirement, or relocation, which can further amplify their emotions during the process. 

Trying to be understanding and putting yourself in your client's shoes can really help give you a better understanding of what they might be experiencing. 

2. Trust 

Arguably the biggest reason a vendor will choose to list their property with an agent is trust. They trust that they can get the best price for the client, or they trust that they have their best interests at heart and will work hard for them. 

Trust is essential in maintaining a good working relationship with clients, and it can often be more important than pricing or other factors. 

Agents should always look to be as transparent as possible, honest and provide clear communication right the way through the process. This will help to build trust and rapport and give the vendor confidence that you are really serving their best interests. 

3. Timeliness 

We all know that in real estate there is never a point in time when you are truly off the clock. While this can be a challenge, most vendors understand that as a real estate agent you are available to them. This is even more critical if you are currently in the marketing campaign or especially during any negotiations. 

By always getting back to your vendors in a timely manner, it will give them confidence that you are working for them and doing the best you can. You don't need to be on call 24/7, but you should find ways to check in with them regularly. 

It's even a good idea to be proactive on this front and take the lead with communication. Once a property lists, you should aim to keep your client updated on a daily basis, even if that is just by SMS.  

These small things make a huge difference to your vendor, and regardless of the result, they will be happy with your service if you have been transparent and honest through the entire process and always kept lines of communication open. 

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