Timothy Ackaoui

Onboarding Specialist

Timothy Ackaoui photo

Another one of Eagle Software’s Onboarding Specialists, Timothy began his career more than a decade ago. Carefully honing his professional skills and aptitude over the past 10 years, to the levels needed to successfully fulfill this important role, the team at Eagle are proud to have someone as talented as Timothy join their ranks. Creativity is a word high in the mind when describing this man, his passion for the arts one of his strongest.

With 15 years of singing and 10 years of playing bass/guitar, it’s easy to see why Timothy considers himself a creationist of art, his urge to entertain as endless as his ambition.When he’s not working, or playing some instrument to entertain the masses, Timothy also enjoys building his own worlds and characters by putting his thoughts on paper, developing tales for people to truly lose themselves in.