Shaun Rennie

Data Engineer

Shaun Rennie photo

Shaun joined our team as a Data Engineer and brought more than 20 years of experience to the role. That’s a significant amount of knowledge to add to our resume, which Shaun accumulated by working as a technical director for a database management company. There, he helped build, manage and maintain CRM databases for clients in industries including automotive, charity, insurance and business sectors. Shaun prides himself on successfully leading a team of data experts in managing data flows, inputs and migrations, as well as other significant processes.

Thanks to his Bachelor of Commerce which Shaun attained from the University of Ballarat, he’s actively followed his career ambitions with the kind of hunger that creates results. What he loves most about working with his new team is the way everyone understands their roles and excels at providing a high service, while also maintaining a fun and supportive work environment. When not working, Shaun enjoys spending time with his family, barracking for the Essendon Football Club, as well as watching movies.