Michele Bowman

Sales Development Representative

Michele Bowman photo

Michele is the personal assistant to Trevor Bragg and Jordan Reyneke. She has been with Eagle Software since early 2018, but has worked in sales and marketing for over 32 years. She owned and operated a café, and managed and mentored a team of 32 sales agents at Metro Sampler.

What Michele enjoys the most about Eagle Software is the great culture created by its young and fresh professional team. She also likes how the company is always evolving and re-inventing itself. In today’s fast-paced technology world, successful companies must adapt to the market’s demands and Eagle Software knows it.

Shutting off the work mode is important. After 32 years of hard work, Michele might understand it better than anyone else at Eagle Software. She spends as much time as she can with friends and families. She also likes playing golf, walking, fishing, and relaxing at the beach.