Luke Paverd

CEO and Co-Founder

Luke Paverd photo
Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm. - Winston Churchill

Luke is our guru and co-founder. He has put together an impressive track record in his 15 years in the industry. He worked as a marketing manager creating and implementing business plans before turning his attention to web design and development.

He then got a position as chief technical officer in e-commerce management where he developed technical and business systems to automate sales, warehousing and logistics, fulfilment, and customer service. He later moved on to a role as the CEO of a software company for the photography industry.

Those experiences were extremely informative. Their common denominator was simplifying complex processes to create easy solutions. This is what guided Luke when he co-founded Eagle Software in 2014. He works tirelessly to help develop a superior product that helps people. Luke feels lucky to have the opportunity to work in innovative technology with such a talented team.

Luke graduated in Business with majors in Management and Marketing from La Trobe University. He has never shied away from big plans and ideas, paying his way through university playing poker. Eagle Software’s success with both clients and employees is the highest testimony to Luke’s work ethic and professionalism.

Outside the office, Luke enjoys travelling, good weather and spending time with his family. He also has a healthy interest in science, reading, and home improvement.

Connect with Luke

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